Sunday, June 30, 2013

Busy First Weekend

What a busy, long, exhausting first weekend in Barcelona! On Saturday, some kids from my group and I went to the beach, Barceloneta. We hung out there, relaxed swam, and drank really good beer. For lunch, I ate (more like destroyed) a chicken samosa. Its not that it was that good, I was just tired from my day at the beach. Afterwards, we headed over to my friends apartment to check it out. ON the way, we stumbled upon a mall where you could stand on the top floor and look out across the city. It was right in front of Plaza de Espanya, which is a beautiful round-about. To get down, we got onto a pretty glass elevator right in front to the Plaza. On the way to the apartment, we also went into a little shop that sold fruits and veggies. I got a Roma tomato and a peach for just 50 euro cents! Its amazing how cheap fruit is here. That night I came home and had dinner meatballs and salad. I had planned on not going out, but I got a hold of my roommate of one day and we ended up going to an Irish Pub. My first bar experience! It was awesome to say the least. First off, I got to spend time with an awesome person aka Leah the roommate and company. Second, I got bought my drink so I didn't spend a dime. Third, that drink was not nasty beer, but instead good apple cider. And lastly, there were men there with Irish accents. Need I say more? The trouble came when I learn that half the underground was closed. I did not realize this fact until I was halfway home. Instead of taking a taxi like a normal city girl, I pulled out an old fashion paper map and found my way back with no problems!

Today started off on the right note because I finally found tea here! Most people here drink coffee. I tried it! I went to Dunkin' Donuts and got a Cafe con Leche and I hated it! So this morning I was quite content to drink a pot of English Breakfast and Pan con Tomate y queso (I'm addicted to this snack). After, the friends and I went to Park Guell, one of the prettiest things I have every seen. The tile work and architecture are breathe taking and the views of the city are unparalleled. Words can't really describe it to be honest. ON the way to the metro, I bought and FC Barcelona jersey, number 4 because its my lucky number. Afterwards we caught the metro over to La Sagrada Familia, another breathtaking piece of Gaudi work. While we didn't go inside, we plan on going back when it isn't as busy. For lunch, we went to a random shop and I had the traditional Tortilla Espanolya which is basically a quiche with potatoes and onions. Yummy. Oh and a side of pan con tomate of course. Oh and Sangria too! I came back and was able to Skype with my dad for the first time! YEAH! For dinner, we had a delicious vegetarian lasagna. It was so so so good!

{Park Guell}
{Park Guell}

{La Sagrada Familia}

{Newest Addition to my Closet}

{Precious English Breakfast Tea}

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