Thursday, June 27, 2013

First Day Wrap Up

I am officially worn out! I got lost trying to find the school, lucky me. But I really like the college and the director is awesome. And i found out this is such a small world too. One of the girls here is friends with someone I work with. And one of the guys here played soccer with two of my residents. It made me realize that this world isn't so scary after all. After Orientation, the interns took us on a tour of the town center which is absolutely beautiful! I had Gelato for dinner, Nutella flavored of course! And then I got lost trying to find the metro stop that I needed to take to get home. And when I got back to my apartment, I met my roommate who is really awesome. Too bad she is leaving on Sunday :( Overall, it has been a long, long day and I am exhausted. I promise my next posts will be longer. I am just too tired to write now.
{First Sight of Spain}

{My room}

{Plaza be Catalunya}

{Nutella Gelato}

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