Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Leavin' on a Jet Plane

Well folks, I am all set my bags are all packed. In fact, my suitcase is only half full and if you know me, that is saying something. I am usually the person that packs WAY too much. This just means more room to bring things home. I really couldn't sleep last night because I was too excited. I figured I could sleep on my 14 hours of flight time. I'm feeling nervous right now because this is my first time ever flying by myself. Mom and I went to Starbucks and Santiago's for breakfast burritos this morning as a goodbye breakfast. I made it to the gate to get to Atlanta 2 hours early. Leave it to me to get her super early. I think I'll probably just nap. From Atlanta (which on a side note will be my first time in Georgia), I will have a 9 hours flight from the Big Peach to Barcelona, where I will arrive at 8:30 local time, so midnight Colorado time. Wish me luck! 
{Half Empty Suitcase}

{All my luggage}

 {Snowy wanted to come with me, but we knew Tori wouldn't like that}
{Pre-Flight Breakfast}

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