Sunday, June 23, 2013

No more work!

Today I finished my last day of work before I head of to Spain. I went to the bank and exchanged all my tip money for euros. I'm really glad I decided to save it all. Now I feel like I am not completely broke. I also found out I will be staying with an older lady in her early 60's while I am there. She is a widow and her son lives in the apartment below hers. I will also being staying with some other international students. I look forward to meeting them all. 

Now for the next two days, I will be packing.
{My current state of packing}

The hardest part is while I am packing for Spain, I am also finding stuff to send up to Laramie to my town home while I am gone. That way, I don't have to freak out as much when I get back and have to go back to Laradise. I am becoming more and more excited for this trip everyday. I can't see what sort of relationships I form with people over there. The nerd in me is really excited to start up my classes again. I will be taking Sports in the Spanish Society (should help me with Pharmacy right?) and a Spanish class. Each class is 4 days a week and each is 3 hours long. I will be taking the Metro to get there, which I look forward to because I miss the London Tube. 

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