Tuesday, June 11, 2013

14 days!

I leave for my trip in 14 days! I finished up my shopping and I think I have everything. If not, I hear they sell things in Barcelona, so I guess I can just buy them there. It is really starting to hit me that I am really going! As most of you might not know, I have a countdown for this trip that has been going for quite sometime now. When I started, the days were in the 200 and now they are in the teens. Its amazing how time flies. 
 I think I am most nervous for the speaking part. It has been a good 2 years since I have used my Spanish and even then I wasn't very good. Now I will be going to a country where I don't speak their language. It reminds me of my trip to Paris. I remember how frustrated I was that I couldn't understand what everyone was saying. Hopefully, my quick wit and the little bit of Spanish I do know will get me by just fine. 
I think I am most excited for the history and the beach. If you think about it, America has only been around for 200 years. In Spain years, that is young. There are things that have been there twice as long. And the architecture will be stunning. Before I wanted to be a pharmacist, I wanted to be an architect because I love the creativity that goes into designing a simple building. The beach will be so nice. Having grown up 10 minutes from the mountains my whole life, I can't wait to be in the sun by the ocean for a whole month!

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