Friday, June 28, 2013

Second is the Best!

Today was great. I started off the morning with a bowl of cereal provided by my host mom. She is such a nice person and my Spanish has gotten a lot better, even though its only my first full day here. My group then had more cultural orientation, followed by a trip to La Barceloneta, which is the local beach. We first saw the beautiful harbor. Then we went to an awesome market. Every district has its own market here with fresh fruits and meats (think Pikes Place Market in Seattle). I got some  delicious fresh tomatoes. We then walked down the boardwalk and met the other American group that is here. The directors treated us to lunch where we had a ton of seafood, particularly Paella and lemon sorbet slushy things for dessert. Then we were able to do our own thing so a small group from my group walked down the beach. This was my favorite part of the day because we don't have a beach in Colorado or Wyoming obviously. Then we went and got a nice cold local beer in a very small local bar. Afterwards, we went and saw the beautiful University of Barcelona. It was so pretty! The architecture is phenomenal there! I came back after that and relaxed before having dinner made by my host mom which was more fish with yogurt for dessert. I debated going out or staying in for the night, but after a failed attempt to go out, I ended up exploring a bit and what do you know I stumbled upon Camp Nou (FC Barcalona's Stadium). It looked really pretty at night and I absolutely can't wait to see it during the day. 
{El Merdaco de Barceloneta}


{Universitat de Barcelona}

{My favorite thing I ate today: Bread with Tomatoes}

{The Beach}

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