Sunday, July 7, 2013

End of First Full Week

What a ridiculously long, but great week it has been! Wednesday of course I started my day off with classes. I am really getting into my Sports in Spain class. The class is basically about why sports are so important to the Spanish society. I wish I could explain everything on here that we are learning in class. About why football is so important to the people of Spain. If you ever want to learn more, hit me up! My Spanish class is really good too. I feel like I am improving everyday. We will start a new subject in class and I will be like "Oh! I remember that!" It feels good to have a memory like that. 
After classes, I did a salsa class. It reminded me a lot of the Zumba class I took for UW last fall. I had forgotten how much I love to dance. I feel like the movements just come naturally to me. However, there was no mirror so I could not tell if I looked like a fool or not. I probably didn't look "sexy" like you should while dancing here, but I had a good time trying.

Thursday was America' s Birthday. I saw a ton of American flags here. After classes, my friends and I decided to celebrate by tanning on the beach. I did not burn either and let me tell you that is a big feat in itself. I was a little homesick not seeing the fireworks, but apparently my favorite  a capella band is doing a music festival at the beginning of August where there will be fireworks close to Denver. Sign me up!
Friday we saw the prettiest little city I have ever seen, Gerona. If you are looking for a small, quaint, romantic town, I would highly recommend it. It had the small street, calm local people, plants growing everywhere, good food, old cathedrals. Everything you would want in a small town. In the afternoon, we went to the Dali Museum in Figueras, Spain. The museum itself was designed by Dali and everything in it was made by him. I didn't really understand his work before I went because he is a surrealist, but now I really appreciate and enjoy his work. If you have never heard of him, look him up.  I also went out to the club that night for the first time. There isn't much to tell you about it. Picture a club and that's what it was like.

Saturday, my roommates left me. I am going to miss them a lot they were really cool people. Guess I'm going to have to go to Texas and visit them! That afternoon, I went roller skating around the beach with my friends. We saw the beautiful Christopher Columbus statue at the end of Las Ramblas, went to the mall, and took in some more sun rays. A very chilled laid back sort of day. That night, because my roommates had left, I had diner by myself with my host mom. Surprisingly, I was able to have a really good conversation in Spanish with her! Day made!
Sunday is the day of rest here and boy did I rest. I met my two new roommates. Both are from Brazil and both don't speak English, speak a little Spanish and a lot of Portuguese. It has been a different experience trying to adjust. I didn't want to waste my full day, so I decided to explorer my neighborhood where I live. I found out that I basically live in the foothills of town and at the top of the hills I have amazing views of the city. I would call my exploration a success.
This week I have a lot planned so stay tuned for more of my exciting adventures!

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